Tag Archives: RECOVERING


coast 012

I am sitting here today in the Attic with smoke from the timber mill and the cattle up close to the back fence. The transitional effect of the moved from Tweed to Clarence is beginning to ease like the May floods receding after the inundation. Last week, I was out at Minnie Water where the debris is still piled and a little mouldering as it is on many of the North Coast beaches.

For me, a quietness is returning and I continue with reflective  imaging.


I have lived close by beaches for much of my life. North Coast beaches at that. Its a 40km drive out to Wooli from here. That seems to me a long drive, along a narrow road which is rather hectic.

I lived much of my adult life in Urunga which is also known at the town WHERE THE RIVERS MEET THE SEA and I am accustomed to the beach being closer than this.

The MOB lived for a few years at Kingscliff. Also right on the beach. That’s the Armidale mob in the foto, touching sand in mid winter near the Queensland border at Kingscliff.


I put this shot in because it sums up some of the things which troubled me up North. This is the ‘planned resort’ up the back of Carool. It didn’t come to anything, so far as I know. Scattered through the Tweed and the Gold Coast are abandoned ‘resorts’ and derelict ‘dreams’.

I heard a Professor speaking on the radio one evening and he spoke of the Great Dreaming , the Greed of the last however many years. And he referred to some of the things we would find when we ‘woke up’.

What I know, is that I greatly prefer being amongst buildings which STAND. Made of stone or bricks or wood rather than the fabric of temporary dreams.

0 6 julia ready

The lady on the left is my Great Grandmother, Julia Ready nee Jackson.
I have some info to write up about Julia. It was given to me by PHIL READY who put years of work with his good lady wife into gathering  family information together and putting it together in READY OR NOT. This year I asked Phil whether I could write it up and put it on the Net and he sent me an email saying – PERMISSION GRANTED,.




Saw the mail delivery this morning and when we looked – I was taken aback. The DOCS Disaster Recovery team had indeed deposited $768 in our account to replace BERTHA, the fridge that drowned and odds and ends which we lost in the floods.

Just a few Sundays back, 2 young women arrived at our front door, looking for the previous tenant. They were DOCS DISASTER RECOVERY people and very pleasant they were. When we told them our Bertha story, they went right out to their car and returned with the appropriate forms which they filled in – including photographs of Bertha and the Underneath of the House. We chatted and showed them the dead snake hanging on the front fence and off they went. Now, today, enough money to buy a fridge. Bravo DOCS !!!!


I have found this year to be interesting in terms of the low level trauma.  Victoria saw the horror of fire and large numbers of deaths. Here in the floods is something different. Apparently minor but seeping. INUNDATION they call it. Odd tales pop into conversations. One gentleman is found dead in his car on South Arm Road. The death passes softly and almost unannounced.

Entire towns and Villages are ordered to evacuate. Self-evacuate to other flood prone towns through rain and wild weather. SES tells people they are unable to help.

One house in Urunga is battered by waters rushing through and is then condemned and a family becomes homeless.

People are isolated for 1-2 weeks on their properties behind Bellingen. No phones or power and no assistance incoming. Trees down and wild storms and not knowing whether they were the only area affected or whether the whole town or state was also demolished. A family sitting at dinner and hearing and feeling a shudder as the yard slipped into their gardens and surrounded their house in mud and debris.

In the meantime, we all proceed in minimalisation. We recover from a disaster we didn’t know we had. And then a kind voice, money for a fridge – all become emotionally touching.

EMPMUSICCAFE 090    Tonight we will go to the MUSIC CAFE at the SOUTH GRAFTON EMPORIUM and eat fine curry.

2009 – DAY 2.

Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson


I shall take a look at 10 things I did in 2008 and consider them. Then I shall take a look at 10 things I would like to do in 2009 and see what happens. Using Fotos as per usual.


I did a bit of sarong wearing and eating from our own vegie garden. Shared a lot of meals with Izzy.


I took a look at the deserted Terranora Resort and faced back to the South to Mt Warning. That’s it dimly in the background and our property Linden Lea on the nearer ridge. There was a song on Coast FM in 2008 and the line I liked was ” you promised you’d be here whenever it snows”. A tropical poem it were.

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I ate a lot of bagels. Most of them were from the BagelHouse . Some were from the Black Bear Cafe in Bellingen at the surprising cost of $7.50 for 2 takeaway and the best were the ones Izzy baked in The Cottage.

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I visited Bellingen 4-5 times because Kati B and IMM have moved there. It is the birthplace of my children. We ate brekkie at the Old Butter Factory amongst other cafe experiences and Kati B is working in what was once the Boiling Billy – scene of her year 10 work experience.  The Boiling Billy is now named THE BLACK BEAR.

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I drove almost daily up and out of this driveway. It is the Cottage Drive.  It leads to the main pine tree lined driveway and down the sealed road with speed humps.


lynne gc

I went to one Convention only this year but I did wear the purple hemp shirt and baggy khaki pants a lot. I had some kindly comments from womenfolk about my hair as well.



I lived for a time in AUCHENFLOWER, an inner suburb of Brisbane. At Beryl Mortimer’s, we lived.

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I went to OYSTER POINT and other villages on Moreton Bay. Sometimes we travelled in the Star Wagon and sometimes we travelled in the Charade. One of my 2 encounters with the Police in 2008 was on Moreton Bay and the other was down here in Tweed Heads West when I flashed the high beam to warn oncoming traffic of police presence. Bummer ! Both were in the Charade. Hmm!


I spent a lot of time on Kate’s verandah and a lot of time with my children and grandchildren. Those times are happy times.


And I did a lot of cemeteries and reading of historic newspapers and documents and hunting through the 19th century in Australia with my Companion and Helpmeet. Did a lot of music gigs too and that woz 2008. I am becoming an expert on the Northern Rivers of NSW.


Well – one is new.


The other is new to WORDPRESS but I set it up years back because it is about the very essence of my life. OF DRUNKS AND DRUG ADDICTS WAS HERE.

And now I bring it over to WordPress at this address:  DRUNKS AND DRUG ADDICTS ARE IMPRESSED.





WELL the day has come and thankfully  darkness has come and I am inside. Cavernous. Hibernation.  For me it was one of those days. THOSE days. Sitting on a hillside looking out to sea.

Resurrexit in Deo.

My midnight Vigils are no more

Cold sleep and Peace succeed ;

THE pains of Death are passed and o’er,

My wounds no longer bleed.

But when my murderers appear

Before Jehovah’s Throne,

Mine will it be to vanquish there –

And theirs t’endure alone.

http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-  article625862

Then again this is one anniversary which brings me often to a deeper grieving because I DO wish it had been otherwise. One of those times when ONLY a SUFFERING GOD WILL DO. Or an open air one. Something anyways which makes it tolerable to have left two small children alone. Something which  makes sense of non-sensical.


I was to chair the morning meeting but  simply lacked the wherewithal. In fact I lacked the wherewithal to  do anything so we went to see DARK KNIGHT at Coolangatta in the Showcase. The bizarre nature of that shook me out of some doldrums  but I am not yet out of the woods. 



P8220002 Last year, in August, Izzy had a cardiac incident which put him in the BRISBANE WOMENS AND CHILDRENS HOSPITAL. Was once called the GENERAL – so the taxi cab driver told me. He told me also of living in Europe in a room with a landlady and having access to city lanes and cafes and cobblestoned life. That appeals to me.

august 2006 009 In August of 2006, I took a drive up to POINT DANGER to watch the dredge PORT FREDERICK coming in at the mouth of the TWEED RIVER. I am done with this area so I am and wish myself gone to the next good place. But for the moment , I am here so I RE-COLLECT.

Re-collect and gather my thoughts and memories as Izzy and I come to decision-making about our next moves. Izzy had a brutal SMS during the week – it left me once the wild winds had settled with one message : THIS IS A SMALL TOWN AND WE WERE HERE FIRST.

Ah now there’s a loving thought.

Not a very small town. i am used to very small towns or the heart of very large cities.

august 2006 022 My Old GentleMan was bringing me lunch on the lawn of the Gallery in August of 2006. Neither of us knowing what was behind my being given those days of Art Gallery work. He has taken very good care of me and I am very fond of him as I am of my wee daughter in law.

Now what happened in August 2005 ?

kate woth boys in park armi

We all went West and up the mountains for the 50th Birthday of Kate and Mad O’Brians father. That was cold. Armidale IS cold. Jolene said snow was predicted yesterday for her birthday. Here in Bilambil we were in singlets and jeans and only one sleeping bag for bedding. Mind you it is one fine sleeping bag purchased for Izzy’s wintermoon experience. I am staying here for 16 days to watch the Olympics and read old newspapers and then I plan the next ARMIDALE experience. it could be the $2.50 train ride or it could be a CHARADE ride. I would prefer the STAR WAGON but finances might prevent that. I am waiting for September and signs of SPRINGTIME unless one of the job applications comes in first.


My mother JOYCE BELL SANDERS passed away in August. August 28th 2001. 74 years old. Suddenly in Coffs harbour hospital. I got clean in August . August 12th 1987.


My sister Susan Sanders married MARK POMROY a long time ago at the end of August. At Bellingen Courthouse.

I,myself, was married in August at the Church near the Roundabout and then had a reception at BELLINGEN BOWLING  CLUB – there are some low points in one’s life. AUGUST seems the wrong word for this month to me.  Usually Dis-Gust-ing.



Slept alone last night. Something I havent done for a very long time. Something I did do for a very long time indeed.  I haven’t heard from Izzy and would imagine that CAMERON’S POCKET is not in mobile range. Its 70 kms from Mackay or someplace and we are only   11 kms from Tweed Heads and the Gold Coast  but other than here on top of the ridge there is no mobile reception. Down at Kalang, They have none either so way up there – well – the chances of fones working is REMOTE.

TODAY i am going to Banora Point at 9.30 am to meet Joanne and then we proceed in the golden Prelude to Broadbeach for the Convention.  I haven’t been to this Convention since it was held at Greenmount resort. Greenmount has ATMOSPHERE. Down at Rainbow Bay and Coolangatta on the beach with tropical pool. In addition it was easily reached from my place. Now its at ALBERT WATERWAYS –  which i doubt is on any water other than man-made canals. Someplace through the hectic drives of Pacific Fair. I have tried for 7 years to come in for a landing on the Gold Coast. I have searched for its soul and beauty which i know will be there – but not for me. i HAVE NOT been able to find it . However today I shall go to Broadbeach and turn left away from the ocean and go into a HALL and see who is there.

I am taking a look at fotos taken in the 3 years  I have lived here. Its 3 years since Marian died and 3 years since Dad died in June.  3 years since I moved into this Cottage . 7 years since I came to Tweed. A lot has happened in that time. My Mum died. Madeline was born and Jim brought Jo and Kathy home. So – doing a bit of reflecting is appropriate methinks. In this time I have stopped teaching school and met IZZY. I think myself we are about to change a whole lot of things with the property up for sale  and I am using this week to do some amalgamation of the mind and chemicalisation of the spirit.

I am drinking white tea from the blue mug we bought at Stokers Siding and adjusting to my brand new laptop which needs its own smart bag.  i met a ‘cool’ man the other day. One who noticed my Crumpler bag. The usual pull was there and then I recalled the danger of ‘COOL’ to me – pulled back into witness mode and thought about Izzy.


The Cottage is truly in order except for the laundry where we have things stored. The washing is on the back line under the porch. I was never one to be thrilled about the washing on the line but I am now. Affairs in order is what  I now like after years of BEDLAM. Next door has a dog. They have always had a little dog. Now they have a very big dog. They are nice people and have told me to tell them if Big Dog bothers me. I don’t like to do that especially If I am the one to be moving on while they stay but Bog Dog has taken to lumbering over here and scaring off all the wee animals which have always been safe here. He barks a lot too. Just startled him then on my side of the fence. Not even all that sure he’s a safe Big Dog. Anyways , for now, lets give him some time to grow past puppyhood. Perhaps he will settle down.

I have a LongNose in the grass below the cottage and a Coucal family comes in season. This week, Willie Wagtails come and sit on the turned-off electric fence and wiggle at Izzy. My Nana Bell loved Willie Wagtails. She loved snapdragons too and had them either side of the red path at Rosebery in Tweedmouth Avenue. her hair was long – longer than mine I think but not curling or white, She brushed it every night in the old 100 strokes way while mine is a matted tangle.  

My skin is peeling off as a result of the Cell Food Ointment Izzy bought for me.  It seems to be stripping away years of old skin and leaving a clean smoothness. Not to be used on more vulnerable skinned areas I have learned from experience but rather spectacular on old leathered skin.

I am choosing clothes for today. The weather is warm. Autumn is rather special here on Tweed. Nevertheless I think I shall wear my dag pants passed on to me from izzy and a singlet with a black sheer top and some form of sandal. Was going to go for GC elegance but I would rather not. I shall take a foto of me ready to go to a Gold Coast Convention wearing a slight reminiscence of Bellingen.