2009 – still passing through



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http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8507875 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1221506
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Bikers come through the Village to eat at the Ulmarra Pub. Highway Villages interest me. Tumbulgum had a similar pattern. Of a night and early in the morning, only the residents are about and perhaps a fisherman or two, maybe a paddler of some variety. Then, as the day comes alive, the Travellers arrive and the Tourists. A false populating takes place and then towards mid afternoon leaves. Ulmarra is a little worried that when the highway diverts, the Village will perish like Mooball seems to have done but Tumbulgum BOOMED when the Motorway swept away from it. Visitors came more slowly and stayed longer. Spent more and were more respectful of the Village itself.


And out at Tucabia, about 8kms East of here, is SQUATTERS’ REST. A private village and museum . Once a month its open for markets and about every 6 weeks has a jam night on a Friday. John Peppercorn handles the music and sound and Izzy does the MC.


wr2 002 By September, the paving blocks had been brought down from Bilambil and the Breezeway was looking more promising.

Andrew had his nose to the grindstone and the pavers were cut and shaped and laid.

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After fighting a noble battle to stay with my Vodafone Mobile Broadband, I finally admitted defeat and transferred to the basic Telstra Broadband. SHAME ON YOU VODAFONE ! There was NOTHING good that came out of the experience. Telstra is working smoothly and efficiently. That has allowed me an internet active year which has been a true pleasure for me.

Plenty of facebook as well  and it was through Facebook that I learned that in the USA – home of the brave – there is only white loo paper. No colours ! No patterns ! I have MARINE PRINT. Bravo Australia.


Living in GCountry also led me to the ceramic works of the Taylor and Hegedus women. 


As an Indigenous Australian owned business enterprise, G Country initial online products include glazed hand painted ceramic homeware and giftware products and decaled coffee mugs. These products are manufactured by Girrwaawa Designs Pty Ltd, an Aboriginal owned business enterprise based in Grafton North Coast NSW Australia. Local Indigenous ceramic designers include Debby Taylor, Elizabeth Hegedus, Leanne Hegedus, and Jenni Williams.


I thought you would like a picture of the pavers. Good foundations perhaps. I am grasping at symbols of 2009.


Overall, we have had some very good experiences with businesses here. One exception and that was a little frightening.

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December 2009 sees me in the 6 month slump – another ‘ process’’ with which I am familiar but which becomes more difficult rather than easier. Head knowledge is availing me very little and I am seeing the hurdles and tumbles more clearly than the thrills and leaps and joys. We ventured into a Friday Night gig at the Emporium but a few weeks in and Annie and Peter pulled the Plug on it.

Pete did have a fine menu and it lasted long enough to be the opening celebration of my 60th birthday weekend.

Tonight , Discouragement is with me. The Conservatorium hasn’t called. I haven’t enrolled in Uni. The Kids are not coming for Xmas and I don’t know where to swim on these hot afternoons. Nor do I have a boat. Also I didn’t get to go to Coffs Harbour today.

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With the WIDE RIVER CAFE BREEZEWAY paved, all was set to begin SUNDAYSLIVE@WIDE RIVER.  Ulmarra Entertainment Centre is what the Lads call it. Each Sunday from 10-2 – there is Music in Ulmarra.  And coffee and sandwiches and Lizzy and Maxine’s  wonderful cooking.

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The musos love this one and so do the guests and as for me – These are my friends. This is the place I like to sit in and chat. We talk of this and that and I take photos and videos . I am learning a lot about the Clarence area and the aboriginal history. We laugh on Sundays.

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